My Best Shot Monday is now being hosted over at Mother May I?, Tracey's blog, as ClubMom (and therefore Picture This) is kinda kaput. That's ok, because now I can remember the name of Tracey's actual blog, where before I kept forgetting. And there's supposed to be a new code soon, for a badge... I'll fix it when I get it.
Onto the shot:
Amid flare, double ear infections, and a sinus infection from hell (and that's just me), the hospitalizations, the treatments, the endless negotiations with an 84-year-old woman who's more stubborn than a goat, there were the holidays. And The Clump, which has finally peaked and will now start to wind down. We weren't exactly all feeling the festive so much these past few weeks, but we did dinner for Mum's day, and SisterCh picked the Monopoly for hers. (After first saying she didn't want to do anything - because she broke up with/is still fighting with the boyfriend, then getting pissy and crying hysterically when nobody showed up. Ah, the unnecessary drama of sisters! Joy o' joys. She turned 22 for God's sake, not 12!) And so, because I could NOT play another game of Monopoly (bringing my total for three days up to 4 games) with this damned sinus infection and the HEADACHE it's caused, I declared myself official Monopoly game photographer and took pictures.
My family thought I was insane, as I tried to get Spongebob (it was Spongebob Monopoly this time, and don't even get me started on how much I don't like the different Monopolies - I now just call the places by their colors, and it's still a railroad, damn it!) at the perfect angle, with the dice in the light behind him. I don't really care that they think I'm crazy, because I can assure you that the feeling is mutual.
At some point, my goal became trying to get different depths of field captured correctly... trying to get the piece of each person clear and defined, with the person moving it sort of fuzzy in the background. I very much do not know how to do this, and will not tell you how long it took me to get this picture (or how many pictures it took.... thank God for digital!)
BUT, now that it's done: I LOVE IT! So, here is my definitely best shot for this week (and, yes, I know I still haven't posted my Christmas pictures, but I'll get around to it, because they'll be cute whenever...)
That looks a lot like my best shot! :-) Very cool focusing!
I didn't even know they had this version. Good stuff!!!
I love it! I think it's awesome! Your practice paid off - isn't that one of the greatest things about digital - you can take 100s of photos and not worry about running out of film or ending up with an envelope of pictures you hate. You did good!
A spongebob game? my daughter would love that.
Maya & Kim - I guess I am just a traditionalist - or it could have been that we played Red Sox Monopoly, Family Guy Monopoly and then Spongebob Monopoly - , because the names they gave things started to make me angry, and I couldn't remember them anyways. So I just called them Park Place and Community Chest, regardless.
Misty Dawn & Kim - Thanks... that focusing is HARD stuff... I'm still not sure if I could do it again, exactly. But practice makes perfect, yes?
i applaud you for your effort in getting it just right, it came out great!
That is a GREAT shot! I am terrible at getting things like that to focus in the way I want...I am so jealous!
OK -- I will use that excuse next time I get wrapped into a game of Monopoly. I need your help -- visit here and let me know:
Which camera do you have?
we now have 3 different Monopoly games..we love the game so everyone thinks we need a "version" yep...It's all railroads...I only like to play the original!
OK this is one of my favorite BSM and I appriciate the work you put into it. I need to work harder...
I really like the DOF. Very cool perspective.
how cool is that!? great shot and good for you:-)
That is too fun! Good work with the DOF!
And you asking if I live in a model home....totally cracks me up! In fact, I think that will inspire a new post tomorrow. Cuz my house is definitely NOT clutterfree and FAR from "model." Still laughing...
Sweet! Persistence pays off! (Thank God for digital!!)
Fantastic shot there!! Very cool.
i love that shot! it captures the fun of the game and the characters.
Great picture!
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