Monday, October 16, 2006

Things I have to say today

  • in random, bullet style:

    • Chicken Fingers should not be spicy.

    • Going to the dentist is scary, I don't care how old you are. (Even if the dentist is very sweet, probably younger than me & definitely better than last pervy guy dentist.)

    • Dear Channel 7 - Please stop with the alliteration. ("College Co-ed Caught and Kidnapped" and "Coffee Caper: a Horrific Holdup" is a bit much, don't you think??)

    • Younger sisters need to stop traveling the world, buying new apartments, & going on blind dates (with pickle phobic strangers). I am feeling very left behind (except for the whole pickle thing). (And also, I should so stop beating up on myself for feeling totally jealous...ugh).

    • Any commercial where people get hurt (Have you seen the new Corelle/model spot? LOL) will make my mother laugh. And I know it as soon as I see it... is there something wrong with us?

    • I need to stop putting everything on the "when I get (even the tiniest bit) better" list. A lot of things I can't do until then, but I'm going to weed through it, find out what I can do now. There's gotta be some things...

    • If the 1 against 100 questions don't get any harder, I might just sign up to play. Because I could probably get over all my "I hate being on cameras because I am fat and semi-broken" hang-ups if it meant I could win $1,00,000,000. Those questions are easy enough for my nephew (age 6). Are they going to get harder?

    • I am too tired for family drama. Grown-ups need to stop acting like babies; sisters need to stop squabbling; everybody just needs to plain get in gear, here. I have spoken, so shall it be. (hahahahaha--- yeah right!)

    • Must actually mail letters I have already written, instead of just letting them sit there on my desk.

    I think that's it, but who really knows?

    I'm off for double Jeopardy, which better be easy.

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