Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Yesterday, I got deodorant in my eye

I kid you not.

File under: things that only happen to me.

So, I've explained before about my whole shower=coma thing... Showering takes so much energy, combined with the intense heat that my muscles require leaves me drained and zonked for a couple of hours.

So, yesterday, after my shower/coma, I started to get dressed again. This takes effort and energy, and I'm still running low on both. I have all the lotion and deodorant and clothes all set out beforehand, for easy assembling. I also have not put my glasses back on yet, because they are over.... there. And I am ... not.

I roll over, grab the deodorant. It's a gel kind, because the glands under my arms are often swollen and sensitive, and with this kind, I don't actually have to use much pressure. Usually, this is a very good thing. But yesterday, not so much.

Because I can't get the stupid cover off. And trying wears me out all over again, so by the time I finally do get the cover off, I have to lie down again.

Which I do. Then I click the little "give-me-more" clicky thing at the bottom, and deodorant comes flying out of the little hole and lands directly in my eyeball.

Holy Lord, the sting!

And, as it is stinging, I am not sure if I should scream or cry or laugh: I have DEODORANT in my EYEBALL! What the heck kind of crap is that?

So, I'm grabbing my eye and telling myself to blinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblink, because I know, from working with young children who love to get things in their eyeballs, that this is what you are supposed to do... Your eye's natural instinct is to rid itself of anything that doesn't belong there, hence tears will rush to wash it away. But telling a four-year-old with paint splashed in their eye to blink and making yourself blink while it feels like your eyeball may be on fire are two entirely different things.

I grab my bottle of water and use the little cap as an eye wash, letting the water drip all over the place, because I am still too damn tired to get up, but I have a stinging fire in my eye, so screw the sheets. My brain kicked in just enough to use the other eye to try and read the warnings on the back of the deodorant to see what they say about getting it in your eye.

Surprise, surprise, but there is no such eye warning on deodorant. Because even though the American public is too stupid not to know better than using a toaster in the bathtub, they are apparently smart enough to not get deodorant in their eyes.

Because this kind of shit only happens to me.

Today, my eye is raw looking and red. The kind of bloodshot that makes you not want to look at people ("Peanut, why won't you play with Auntie???") It's still a bit tender, but thankfully lacks the film that was freaking me out last night.

As I write this, all I can think are these two things: a) why am I telling the blogospher what a freak I am? & b)if somebody ever googles this entry, I am not sure if I would be afraid or glad.

So, blogosphere, what kind of crazy is happening in your world?


Maya's Granny said...

Oh, I'm so sorry but I laughed and laughed and I know it had to hurt like hell and that isn't the part I'm laughing at but you are such a good writer!

The best I've done is try to tie my shoes while I was still bare foot.

Never That Easy said...

Maya's Granny -

See, that's what's so good about the blogosphere: you get to give people all NEW reasons to laugh at you! ;) Thanks for readin.


g said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
g said...

i googled your entry! this morning the cap came off my deodorant and when i put it back on, globs of deodorant flew everywhere, including into my eye. like you, i read the warning and like you i thought "of course it's not on there! what kind of idiot gets this stuff in their eye?!?" i didn't get too much in there, thankfully and my eye is already feeling better--but it's good to know i'm not going to go blind or something. cheers to us!

Anonymous said...

I just have to say I google this entry after getting deodorant in my eye ><

Anonymous said...

I just got it in my eye... I checked out Web MD and got no where. Also checked out the DOVE website and nothing. This really stings. What are the chances that in taking off the cap the the last 2 inches of solid jump out and hit me in the eye... Boy does it sting!!!!

Anonymous said...

i sympathise with you. I just got out of a long shower, warm and zonked out. i lay down, and (in what could probably be awarded with the 'stupidity in physical form award') i tried to spray some deodorant under my arms. i somehow missed and a bit got in my eye. now the lower lid has drooped like its got a 10kg weight on it and my eye is red and hurting - alot. i lowered my lid and lo and behold - i saw these lovely little flecks of white in there. i've washed it out with an eye bath 3 times, cleaned it up with a cotton bud a couple of times. its calmed down a bit, but it still feels damn uncomfortable. now i'm keeping it cold by using - you guessed it - the very same canister which happens to be cold as a fridge. i'm rolling the canister up and down my eyelid - hope it gets better!

Anonymous said...

I googled this entry. I got ANTIPERSPIRANT in my eye balls. Its dryer than a nuns gash and stings so much. Its going blue around the skin and tbh ive used about half a bottle of sterile eye wash.

Anonymous said...

:D I actually did just google this entry because I've just got deodorant in my eye and I'm checking that I don't go blind (:
Seriously hope not, I've got exams tomorrow :|

Anonymous said...

Hah, I googled for my dad, who got some in his eye as well. I can't believe there's no warning on the darn thing.
Anyway, real entertaining entry!

Mandi @ Life Your Way said...

Another Googler here after my daughter got deodorant in her eye... :P

Anonymous said...

my girl just got some in her eye as well omg

Anonymous said...

what should i do if it's powder deodorant in my eye at the corner and wont come out wen i blink it still hurts i used a q-tip and washed it out millions of times it's not coming out it doesn't even have a sticker on the back it's dove.

Anonymous said...

what if it feels like it's in the the corner of yo eye but its really in da back wat shud i do if itys deoderant i called411 to get tthe number to the dove company and got the number to the toll free its actally singing as i type wen i roll my eyes back it really stings and i start screaming getting mad and cryikng qwat shud i do respond

Anonymous said...

I googled it because i sprayed it in my eye by accident and now one of my eyes is a little blurry i hope its gonna be ok

Anonymous said...

This morning, i just did exactly the same. Unfortunately, it's doing it's job, and my eyeball feel all dry, even after repeated washing. Hopefully it'll wear off and I'll be of soon.

Anonymous said...

haha - i actually rubbed it in my eye this morning. had it on my fingers after removing a stray (head) hair from the pit area, then - like the true genious i am -rubbed my eye. hurt like hell for the first 20 mins or so and my field of vision is still blurry on the right side.

it's supposed to last twelve hours, so i figure sometime tonight things should start clearing up. btw, i googled also, after webmd had NOTHING at all relevant to my search.

Anonymous said...

This happened to me but after touching my underarms and then i touched my eye.. and i think it has the same effect.. nothig is worse than this

Anonymous said...

hi iv just got deodrant in my eye i was messin around with it them some cames out and cuz i was leaning back it went in my eye and it stung so i washed my eye and kept checking my eye then i did the same as you and looked at the deodrant to see if it said anything but all it said was keep away from your eyes and now im wooried because its still stinging

Anonymous said...

omg I thought I was going to go blind last night! My eye is still stuffed today.. red and sore and swollen, I cant see well out of it and tears are running like crazy.. sure hope this isnt permanent.. and soo glad Im not the only one to have done this.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Gosh, I cant imagine there are so many people out there with the same problem. I just got back from the Doc cause I got some Dove antipespirant residue in my eye last nigt& I still cant see well with that eye today. Got a prescription & told to come back again tommorrow

Katy said...

LMAO I googled "antiperspirant in eye" and came here because... I got deodorant in my eye today. :p I had deodorant on my finger and didn't realize it when I stuck my finger in my eye to remove an eyelash. And then my eye started burning and I figured out what happened.

christine said...

My girl friend just called me crying because she got gel deodorant in her eye, so I googled and ended up here :)

You're a good writer! Entertaining blog! Lol

Anonymous said...

Yup, I just got deodorant in my eye too, googled it, and came here haha. I just put on solid deodorant and must have gotten some on my finger and then wiped my eye. God, this is painful. I just flushed my eye with water for about 10 minutes and it feels a little better, but it still hurts like hell.

SALISBURYaltruist said...

well guys, this seems to be some kind of shitty. my boy is lying next to me after squirting ALMAY hypoallergenic antiperspirant str8 into his eyeball and it looks like it really blows. it was a pretty big ordeal, he got it in there, then got really mad and screamed into a towel a few times in between attempting to rinse this demon from his face.

i then went online and found this post (thank you by the way) but this was not enough to satisfy his worries of loosing his sight. he described it as the room looking " mad foggy, like clouds of smoke" .

i then called the number on the back of the deo which linked me to another number for this poison control center -1(303)739-1110. and this nice lady told me to put him in the shower for 15 min, with warm water hitting his forehead and dripping down into his eye as he blinked regularly, and then a cold washcloth on there for another 15min. this comment is almost as long as the original post, but i hope it helps some ones burning dried out retina. hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've just had to look this up because my twat of a friend just sprayed deoderant in my eye ¬_¬ He is currently re-organising his CD collection as I have unalphabetised it- in revenge -due to his infringement of my personal rights, he needs an ASBO.

Yours Faithfully


Unknown said...

well, i googled and I found this, as only this morning i sprayed myself in the eye with Sure anti perspirant, needless to say i feel ur pain, ey is red raw and stings like hell as my eye is trying to clean itself, Blink Blink Blink lol 1 life lesson learnt today, " never pray deodourant in ur eyes, it hurts!!!!!

christine said...

one more moron for the deodorant in eye post...ouch. really big ouch.

Anonymous said...

Whilst this time, I just rubbed my eye with a hand that happened to have some antipersperant on it (then googled here), I gotta have the winning (losing) story. 2 years ago i took a HAND AXE to a can of antipersperant -_- that fuckd my eyes up a treat

Laura Rose said...

another antipers/deo in the eye-er here! ugh! The Pain!! I have no eye wash. Wondering if I can use saline nasal spray... ??? hummm... Certainly don't want to make it worse!

Kristen. said...

i just googled this because i got deodorant in my eye :)

Chrysalis said...

Yup I googled this because I had deodorant in my eye... guess it got on my hand and then like an idiot I touche my eye... had a cat hair by my eyeglass lense- tried to get rid of it and touched deodorant to my eye.. which started DRYING UP.. no stinging... just DRYING. Suave- works really good for its intended purpose! anyway... thanks for a laugh and reminder to blink! I'm ok now.

Unknown said...

damnnnnn this hurts like hell.. just did it and googled.. had to comment. glad im not the only retarded one

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one whose ever done this! Thanks for having such a sense of humor about it. You made me laugh even as I sit here with a stinging eyeball.

Anonymous said...

I also got some in my eye and googled this.Thank god nothing's gonna happen.Doesn't sting as much though.It's just a little blurry.TO THE SINK!

rowan said...

haha i googled this after i got deoderant LOL

Anonymous said...

feeling so much better having read this - and definitely not alone any more.
I had some on my hands and forgot when putting my my contact lenses.
Now 10 hours later and still have a sort of hazy effect with the affected eye - the vision is not as sharp as the other one.
Sounds as though it does get better eventually though which is what is worrying
Be good if people could leave some progress reports on how long it took to get back to normal

Anonymous said...

Ok same happen to me too this morning.
Mitchum gel, pulled it open and a spot went direcly in me left eye. Stun like heck, now 8 hrs layer hazy.
Can anyone feed back an let me know if /. When it gets better.

Laura Rose said...

I got DO in my eye a while back around 1am or so. I flushed the eye for 20min with no real relief. Eye was still feeling raw & dry the next day but was on the mend. By the following evening I was pretty much all better. :). I so hope it never happens again though.

Anonymous said...

Update - washed out with Optrex eye bath (distilled water & witch hazel) - this made it worse temporarily so did it a couple more times. Still red the next morning (24 hours later) but by that afternoon all back to normal.

Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday said...

Definitely found this by googling it! I must've gotten deodorant on my hand when putting the cap back on and then I rubbed my eye. Now, several hours later, it's pink and still kinda hurts. Me = moron.

Unknown said...

Heh, I was in my attic today smoking pot and breathing out the skylight. When my mom called me down for dinner, I sprayed axe around my mouth to keep the smell away. But as you can guess I sprayed that shit right into my eye! It kind of aches and is a little pink, it's fine. I googled it and ended up on this page.

Katie said...

I found this page when I googled deodorant in my eye. I guess you are not the only one and neither am I. I got gel deodorant in my eye last night. It stung. Boy did it sting. I rinsed it with saline and eventually it stopped stinging. Today, it aches like crazy. And I have a headache behind the eye that had the deodorant in it too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - can't believe it has happened to so many people - my son (13) got antiperspirant deo (Nivea Silver) in his eye this morning. Flushed it with milk, saline, water etc. Shame he could not use his contact leneses today and went to the doctor this afternoon. Cortisone drops for 7 days. One positive side - if I ever have the opportunity to use a weapon on a would be attacker - I would so use deo. Perfect weapon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh - can't believe it has happened to so many people - my son (13) got antiperspirant deo (Nivea Silver) in his eye this morning. Flushed it with milk, saline, water etc. Shame he could not use his contact leneses today and went to the doctor this afternoon. Cortisone drops for 7 days. One positive side - if I ever have the opportunity to use a weapon on a would be attacker - I would so use deo. Perfect weapon.

lucy said...

I did the same thing this morning! I washed my eye out with milk after using warm water, I have no idea whether it vision is still pretty blurry...

Unknown said...

Ouch... its still in my eye! Looked here to see what to do to make the pain stop.

Kristen said...

I just googled this because my mom came down screaming because she got deodorant in her eye!! And as I see on the comments, you and her aren't the only ones this has happened to :)

Is your eye okay??

Never That Easy said...

Well, this is still the post that gets the most hits, three and a half years later, so I thought I'd let you all know that my eye was fine after a day or so. I'm not an eye doctor, and I have no medical credentials, so I can only recommend rinsing, rinsing rinsing, and if it's still bothering you (or if your vision is impaired in any way) after a little while, that you call a medical professional. It seems like this happens more than you'd think, though, because for every comment people leave, I get four or five hits.

I, personally, was fine rather quickly - it stung like hell for a couple of hours, was swollen for a couple of days, but the hazy was gone the next morning, thankfully. I hope you'll all be able to report the same, and am glad that you found me. I wish it had been for a better reason...

Lanette said...

I just did this same thing but with aerosol deodorant and your blog is the first thing that comes up on "deodorant in eye" ...omg the pain!

Nuno said...

Happened to me yesterday!! I filled a bowl with water and put my face in it with the eyes wide open..

Anonymous said...

Wow, listen, I'm English and I arrived here having done exactly the same fucking thing. I was so scared of having blinded myself like some thick Oedipus until I read your very sympathetic blog.

Anonymous said...

Omgosh This just happened to me...i thought i must be really stupid because the bottle doesnt have any info on eye irritation..glad to know i am not the only one... LOL ...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you posted this, because this has just happened to me. And the first thing I did was read my deodorant for what to do if that happens. And guess what? Nothing! So I googled it and saw this, so now I can relax...I did not get as much as you did, coz I think I had some on my fingers and rubbed my eye with it...I've done it with Tobasco before, so should have been careful...but at least I know that I am not alone :-)

Rock History Professor said...

Got a small drop of roll-on Mitchum in my eye.

Painful and lasts a couple of hours so far.

Must have some reaction with water to keep my eye so blurry for so long.

Again, no warning, just google and commiserate.

Anonymous said...

sooo, funny story. I actually googled how to get deodorant out of eye because I got some in mine, and your blog came up :)

Anonymous said...

i got mitchum in my eye this morning, washed my eye out a few times, vision blurry still after 15 hours, blinkin pleased i'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I got deo. in eye this morn. Scared I was going blind. The film comes and goes. i googled this sight and was relieved that I am not the only one. Went to pharmacy and asked the pharm. he said use eye wash. Have done so several times. Thought I was going blind. Seems to come and go. (blurriness)

Anonymous said...

I'm another one. Dropped Gillete clear gel in dry sink and it splashed into my eyes -Hurt like hell -ran water onto eye by cupping hand under faucet. Found this blog when I googled what to do. Still burns but I can see

Anonymous said...

and I am another one who did this.. yet unlike all of you I managed to get dry stick deoderant in my eye.. moral of the story DO NOT put deodorant on while laying on your back

A said...

I'm joining the 'jackass got deodorant in my eye'club. : (
Gees it's soooo painful.

IllFate said...

Haha, I can't believe it, Just like 5 minutes ago, I get out of the shower, grab my deodorant, click it and *CRAP* I just got deodorant in my eye! Flush my eye out with water for like a minute, then pull back the flap to reveal the warnings-- but There are none! "KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN" Oh thanks, that's helpful! For "External" use only. Duh?

So, I come to my computer and google, "Got deodorant in my eye", and here I am, surrounded by others just like me... Noone gone blind yet? Nothing to worry about?

Anonymous said...

So this needs to go to the top,so the next dodo deodorant in the eye sufferer knows what to do straight away....
Stand in shower and flush it out until your friend gets to the chemist (drugstore)and buys some Sodium chloride eye wash solution brings it back to you and then flush your eye out with that....until the pain eases. And next time aim for the underarm...

George said...

Same here!! Vision in the eye is less sharp! and slightly hazy and cant focus properly! hope it goes soon!! Also found by typing 'deoderant in my eye' on google

Anonymous said...

sadly, I have rubbed deodorant in my eye purposefully on one occasion. There was a concert I wouldn't miss for the life of me but I had to work that Thursday and Friday. So, right after getting to work I dabbed a small chunk of the stuff on the white part of my right eye. "definitely pink-eye" said the office nurse, "but we need to send you to the doctor to write you out for the next few days." .... I went to the doctor, applied a little more on my way to the examination room, and was given prescription eye drops because even the dr was fooled into thinking it was truly pink-eye. The eye drops immediately cured the pain, redness, and gunk build up. And I enjoyed an awesome concert the following night. It may have been slightly sketchy work ethics, but the Foo Fighters totally made up for it!

tamara young said...

I thought I was the ONLY person with such luck. I took a shower before I had gone to bed and the next morning woke up and grabbed the GEL deodorant to put on. Somehow getting it on my fingers. I had something in my eye and was rubbing my eyes thinking it was just sleepy eyes. I had just rubbed the gel into both of my eyes!!!! They immediately dried up!!! I was so scared and jumped in the shower trying to rinse it out of my eyes. I was ok until I got out of the shower. It has been over a year since this happened and I am still having problems with my eyes being dry. I know have to use eye drops a couple times a day to aid my dry eyes. I know this is what has caused my dry eyes and wish there was something that could be done. My vision has also changed and I wear glasses now. I am afraid that the drying of my eyes will cause me to lose my vision. I am really scared and not sure what to do.

Anonymous said...

Six years later, people are still joining this club, and I'm one of them. This is probably my favorite thing about the Internet.

Anonymous said...

This has made me feel a whole heap better - sprayed deodorant in my eye this morning (very tired, just missed my armpit!) - not much pain but now have a very hazy eye. Am encouraged that this will be gone by tomorrow and can go to sleep without worrying that I'm going blind. Thanks to everyone who has posted their experiences :)

Unknown said...

Don't they cruelly test this stuff on bunnies? I got deodorant/antiperspirant in my eye last night and today my eye is blurry. Does this go away?

WhitnElisabeth said...

Add another to the list!! I'm freakin dying!! Dove invisible solid antiperspirant. It hurts so bad, my husband thinks I'm nuts, and i cant go to work like this!!!!

WhitnElisabeth said...

Add me to the list! Omg it hurts so so bad. Dove invisible solid antiperspirant. I think it'd dry up the Mississippi river!

WhitnElisabeth said...

Add another to the list!! I'm freakin dying!! Dove invisible solid antiperspirant. It hurts so bad, my husband thinks I'm nuts, and i cant go to work like this!!!!

Unknown said...

Yet another one. Mitchum advanced control 48hrs strength and protection for me.
Obviously I was a bit too strong for my bottle and need protecting from myself but in 48 hours I should be back to normal....whatever that means.

Anonymous said...

After coming home from the ER, I Googled "getting deodorant in eye and this blog page came up. So I clicked on it only to find out I'm not the only one has done this.

We have no air conditioning and we are having a heat wave. Even with fans going, its 98 degrees in our house (105 outside). For you folks outside the USA, I think that's 36 Celsius inside our house and 40 Celsius outside our house. So anyway...I got tired of having sweat pouring down my face. I thought, "Hmmm...If I put deodorant on my forehead I won't perspire so much." It never occurred to me that the deodorant (which by the way is an antiperspirant) could fall into my eye. It's a gel stick and a chunk of it got into my eye. OMG! BURNING HELP BURNING OMG MY EYE IS ON FIRE!!!! I rub my eye and my vision is blurry, my eye is weeping and I grab saline rewetting drops and pour them into my eye to try and wash away the deodorant. *Sigh* It didn't work. My eye stung and wept and my vision was blurry for 2 hours. So I decided this is really bad. I might go blind. So I asked my husband to drive me to the ER. I'm sure everyone at the hospital thought I was nuts for getting deodorant in my eye, LOL! The doctor put something in my eye to numb it then he took some Q-tip thingy with something on it and poked around my eye with it, then he flushed my eye with some liquid stuff and I mean soaked it! I felt like I was going to drown. The liquid was going down the sides of my face, dripping down towards my ears; it was just all over the place. Then the doctor turned my eyelid inside out and shined some kind of weird blue light in it. He then gave me antibiotic eye drops to use for the next few days and pain medication to take for the next few days and told me to follow up with my ophthalmologist on Monday (yes this all happened late Saturday night...of course, things ALWAYS happen on weekends late at night). The doctor also told me that my eye might start itching as it heals and that I might scratch at it in my sleep. So I'm supposed to wear a gauze eye patch taped to my eye for the next couple of nights. So I got home from the ER and looked in the mirror. My eye is swollen and red and it still stings but it doesn't burn like it's on fire. And my vision is back to normal now. No more blurry vision. Lesson learned...NEVER...and I repeat...NEVER put deodorant on your forehead no matter how hot it is and how much you are's a bad idea...a VERY bad idea!

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow morons, I too am guilty to say. I got deoderant in my eye and it burns. there has to be a country song in there somewhere if you repeat this verse a few times. Was beautiful ready to walk out the door and did a final check in the mirror and said geee.. what is that blob near my eye. let me just get that. Little did I know My day was over before it even started. PLOP! right into the ol'tear duct. OMG Mother Mary the pain!!! 12hours later still funky and tender and and producing slime. Flushed and flushed, poured cupfuls of water directly into my eye socket. Eye started swelling like it was holding water, geez. finally found the visine, now it looks like i have pink eye. thank god i was off today from work. I think I still have some pink eye meds from my kid. Gotta go raid the med. cabinet again. Gotta go to work at dawn. Holy Eyeballs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another victim joins the club. Gillette clear gel. Gel leaked on the container, to finger, to eye. Their site says it is a mild irritant. It's been about 3 hours, eye still burns, sensitive to sunlight, but most of the blurring is gone. God it hurt!

Anonymous said...

Ugggh..dry idea roll on ....nothing is getting rid of it either. Rinsed with water.....and three different types of eye drops! Still a nasty film and itching, burning and tearing for 7 hours now.

Lanette said...

I posted on here a few years ago when I got Deodorant in my eye. I couldn't believe that this had happened to others. I subscribe to updates to this and whenever I see another person with deodorant in their eye, I draw some kind of sick comfort in knowing I'm not the only silly person this has happened to. I'm sorry for all the pain everyone has endured and as we all know, it's significant pain!!

Never That Easy said...

I love how many people come back to these comments ~ I'm sorry for people who are here for the first time.

Rinse your eyes A LOT. They might be red & blurry for a while. Call an eye doctor if it seems more serious than just stinging and sore.

And be happy knowing that we're not the only dopes: this is by far the #1 Google search for my site.

Anonymous said...

Yeahhhhh..... I got antiperspirant deoderant shoved in my eye... -_- the immense amount of uncomfortability, and irritation is annihilating! I'm gonna sleep, and hopefully not wake up blind. Let me reassure you, I did, in fact wash my eye.

Anonymous said...

Crazy maaate

Anonymous said...

My 3 year old sprayed my 2 year old with women antiperspirant....swollen red eye...washed it out with water and using eye drops every few hours..hopefully be better in morning

Anonymous said...

Found you through Google, my three year old jammed a deodorant stick in her eye, poison control said to "Wrap her up in a towel to restrain her then have someone else help you hold her down and hold her eye open while you rinse for 15 minutes". It was a completely traumatic experience for her, my husband, me, and out three sons. She's going to have memories as a teen of us waterboarding her, I know it. So far her eye seems fine.

Anonymous said...

I just this minute got some lynx dry in my eye. For whatever reason, it has created a fine powder under my arm, got some on my fingers and then rubbed my eye. My vision is so blurry, I can't make much out. Although, it's not hurting or painful. I really wish there was some instructions on eye washing on the can! Literally flushed my eye a few times and hopefully it'll pass by tomorrow. If not I'll be going to a and e.

COMLJOHN said...

Thank God someone started this thread. Yes, add one more to the list of "I got Antiperspirant in my eye". I too use the gel type and when I grabbed it this morning by the cap, the cap came off and the thing dropped on the counter and; splash... both eyes, mirror, floor. It does burn and even now 8 hours later I still look like I lost my best friend. I've been irrigating it all day and wondering if I'll be able to see tomorrow when I wake up. Checked the back of the container and sure enough, nothing about eyes just the warning"for external use only"; really? I guess my eyeballs are "external" so I must be OK. I appreciate everyone's story and the assurance that I should be able to see tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thankss so much! Gel antiperspirant should be illegal. You have the best answer

Anonymous said...

Just happened to me...i put tissue on my eye and held it in place by wrapping one of my silk scarfs around it tight enough so i dont blink, which hurts like hell, a trick my grandma used when I was little with pink eye(that woman had remedies for everything) after 20 min my eye was fine...thanks gma...RIP

Anonymous said...

Great, Googled this and realized I'm not the only one who has ever did this. Used Tears Plus and some Lacrilube ointment. But it helped, warm water helped too. And so did all the comments posted here. It was Dry Idea underarm stuff that did it. Oh well thanks people at least I know I won't go blind although it is annoying.

Anonymous said...

1/31/15-Mitchum Power Gel straight into my left eye. It shot out the little holes five hours ago. Still burning. I'm wondering if I need to got the ER or just keep flushing it?

I'm going to suggest that we're not all idiots or morons. This is the result of a design flaw. I've been wearing deodorant for almost four decades now. It has never shot into my eye before.

Anonymous said...

Ok I guess I am a fellow idiot too! I was driving in my car and decided to turn the fan on for my air conditioning at the exact same moment that I got an itch under my left arm. I reached quickly to scratch it and the fan blew a small piece of dried powder dry deodorant directly in to my left eye! Talk about burning! Holy crap! Of course I rub it and try to get it out and it only males it more so and red and scratched. All of this while going to pick my daughter up from her job as an optician. Me feeling like a complete fool, I do not go in to see the doctor. But my kid brought me out some eye drops. They eased the pain a bit but again this afternoon it's bothering me. I used the water bottle thing too to flush it out completely and nothing! Trying to decide if I just use the eye drops one more night or go to see the doc with my daughter in the morning.

Anonymous said...

this is so funny I am crying

Anonymous said...

so I was using deodorant gel and it got in my eye and it stings and it feels like there is something under my eye someone help me

Annelise said...

100% accurate!! And thank you for posting this, it made me feel better!!!

Unknown said...

it happened some 30mins ago. i tot i was going blind in the next minute but i rinsed no difference, spoke to colleagues and they advised i rinse again. then i googled and saw this hilarious post. i then went to watch a touching documentary that moved me to tears and lo...tears worked wonders. feel a lot better now.

Unknown said...

10 years later, still coming up on Google. Totally nailed myself in the eye with Dove spray. Hours later and several eye washes and cold cloths later it's still miserable. Going to try to get ahold of some eye drops specifically for irritation and irrigate this.

Anonymous said...

I accidentally dropped my deodorant on the counter this morning, and the gel went straight to my eyeball! Joining the moran club here... I tried showering, cold wash cloth, my right eye is still blurry... Feeling less dry and uncomfortable after using the cold wash cloth... Hope my 20/20 vision comes back soon! Ugh!

Unknown said...

It's over 10 years since you've posted this and this EXACT thing happened to me this morning and when I typed it into google, this came up I dropped my deodorant on the floor and it shot RIGHT up into my eyeball, what are the freaking odds of that. Glad I'm not the only one who has stupid stuff like this happen to!

Unknown said...

Same thing just happened to my daughter. She was playing in it as kids do (hiding so I couldn't find her with it) the next thing I know she comes running crying out from underneath the kitchen table rubbing her eye. Me being a new mommy freaked out of course thinking the worst (is she gonna go blind, will this damage her eye, is she gonna grow up with eye problems in this eye) so I'm running around the house like a mad woman looking for a wash cloth to put warm water on all while freaking out, she's crying rubbing her eye like crazy, once I finally find a rag and get it wet I move her hand and her eye is blood shot. So she's fighting me while I'm trying to clean her eye out (which let me just say that for a 2 year old she is pretty freaking strong) finally get her eye clean and some water in it to take the burn out. Never been so freaked out in my life. But shes finally stopped rubbing it and crying. She's also passed out beside me. Really hoping her eye is better tomorrow and that she doesn't have any problems with it.

I can't believe how many people this actually happens to. It's crazy! The deodorant should come with a warning and instructions on what to do if you get it in your eye. And also tell you whether or not there's a chance of blindness.