Friday, June 30, 2006

June's Perfect Posts

A Perfect Post

This is my first month playing "Perfect Post" (through MommaK). I took it pretty seriously; everytime I read an exceptional post this month, it went into a special folder. Of course, that left me with a ton of posts to pick from this week.

I finally decided on WordGirl's post regarding world's sexiest men. I thought it was great: well written, funny, and true. And the pictures were enough to make you wish you'd forgotten to hit your biological clock's snooze button: Men with babies... Yummy. Congrats to WordGirl!!!

Here were a few of my runner's up:

Amalah's brave and honest post about some of the things nobody tells you about being somebody's mummy.

The Smartbitches take on some... less than fascinating comments about the differences between male and female readers.

Finslippy's horrid adventures in babysitting. (She certainly handled it a lot better than I would).

Miss Zoot who got me thinking about all the things I'm going to have to take back eventually.

Bonanza Jellybean's f_a_n_t_a_s_t_i_c, semi-political (lol) post winningly titledThe Sermon On Who You Should Mount .

And, just because it is my newest favority find, I'm going to stick WantNot in here. People, she is beyond fabulous. So far I have learned of a good place to buy printer ink for cheap, seen that there is such a thing as too much target (Check
this out), and wondered if maybe I don't need something else from Old Navy after all. And I've only been reading for about a week.

Thanks for stopping by... Hope you'll enjoy some of my picks.

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