Friday, November 21, 2008

See how I almost forgot about you?

But I didn't.

And it wasn't so much a case of forgetting as it was a case of thinking I'd already written this, and then realizing I had written an e-mail to my friend instead. Since my blog is (mostly) anonymous, my IRL friends don't check up on me here, so I have to like... actually talk to them or send them e-mails or something in order to catch up with them. I know! It's prehistoric. Anyways, let me just recap what I was telling Best Friend/College Roommate:

It is very, very cold here ("Mid January temperatures" the weathermen proclaim gleefully as I wonder at their sanity. And also at the accuracy of our calendar - perhaps it is, in fact, Mid-January, but we just didn't notice. With the type of life I've been living lately, I would not be at all surprised.) Also, I don't really know why I told her it was cold here, as she lives 40 minutes away. Northern minutes, so, if anything, it's probably a few degrees colder than it is here. But I told her anyways.

I am on day two of a new medicine that makes me very woozy. So woozy that I am now appalled that I considered myself dizzy before this. But the doctor says that generally only lasts for a week or so. If you - or he - has a free week in which to feel like you are on a rocket ship even though you are not moving any part of your body - and especially not your head - please feel free to volunteer. I may not have much of a life, particularly, but the one I do have requires that I am somewhat able to converse with people without feeling like my head is filled with helium and is rising to the ceiling and I am barely holding on to the attached string.

The best thing about my new medication is that it makes No. Sense. Whatsoever. Not that this is new to me: It makes no sense for me to be on half the things I am on, but I take them anyways on the off chance that they might help me. But this new drug? Is stretching it even for me - It is a blood pressure medication for people with high blood pressure. To lower their blood pressure. I? Have very low blood pressure (and/or a very low pulse: it varies). I am taking this medication - a very, very, very low dose - because it has been shown to help blah de blah blood vessels, and they think that might help the blood flow around some of my more painful areas and... honestly? Zach lost me pretty quickly with this one. I thought I understood it yesterday... Wednesday, I mean, at the appt., but the woozy part is not helping me to remember it clearly. All I know is this - I am taking a medication that's originally designed to help lower people's blood pressures, and when I started taking it yesterday, mine immediately went up. And then down. And did the same again today. I do not understand it, and I do not like it. And I may give it the week, but if it doesn't start changing something - for the good - soon, I don't know how much longer I'm willing to take it.

The people who came to see the house on Wednesday are very interested. Extremely interested. This is good and bad - we, of course, have no other place to live, so should they go from 'extremely interested' to 'actively buying' in the near future, we will go from 'temporarily stuck in a bad living situation' to 'having no living situation', which I'm not sure is an improvement. But we'll just have to wait and see there: Mum continues to house hunt, I'm considering all my options. We'll see.

Other than that - Family members currently driving me insane = (I was totally going to count them up and everything, but what's the point) All; Craft projects started and as yet incomplete = 9; Local radio stations currently playing "all Christmas/all the time" and thereby making me want to boycott them for life = 2 (Dear Oldies 103.3 & WROR 105.7 - Midnight on Halloween is not the opening bell for the Christmas season - you are skipping over Thanksgiving, at the very least. Stop it. Seriously); Number of mice still taunting me somewhere in my room late at night = at least 1; Pies to bake next week = at least 3 (must hunt up new recipe for blueberry pie... do not like the way last years leaked); E-mails that still need to be written (off the top of my head) = 4; things that could keep this list going = infinite.

So there, that's my update. Anybody out there?


Crazed Nitwit said...

I am out there.


The Goldfish said...

I am out there. Hope the side effects soon abate and that perhaps this bizarre experiment does some good. :-)