Friday, March 31, 2006

Hell-o Every-bod-eeeeeeee!

The title for today's post comes from the always lovable, furry old Grover, who I feel is too often being overlooked for the more effervescent Elmo. Not that I have a problem with Elmo, just that I think Grover is underappreciated. His fine work in this book alone should endear him to us all. Trust me, if you've got an under 8 year-old, this is a Fabulous book.

So, I got a little linkage for you:

For you April Fools out there, here's a look at other people who looked to see if gullible was still in the dictionary.

Also of interest, if you happen to be on Weight Watchers and can only enjoy such things vicariously, check out this cupcake heaven.

Oh, by the way, Blogger. CUPCAKE IS A WORD. LEARN IT. LEARN IT NOW!!!!

(I should not be surprised: also not words? "Elmo", "Blogger", and "Every-bod-eeeeee". Ok, I'll give them that last one. )

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